Pana Music Player for Debian Squeeze 64 bit

Install necessary packages

# aptitude build-dep amarok
# aptitude install kdelibs4c2a qt3-dev-tools libqt3-mt-dev kdelibs4-dev ruby1.9.1-full libxine-dev

Download and unpack source file

# wget
# tar xvfj pana-1.4.17.tbz

Configure and make

# cd pana-1.4.17/
# ./configure -prefix=`kde-config -prefix` -disable-debug -disable-warnings -with-mp4v2 -with-libmtp -with-libnjb -with-libkarma -with-ifp -with-libgpod
# make -j 4

Create and install package

# checkinstall

Download created package Package

For lyrics to work it is necessary to install ruby-qt and plug-in wiki_lyrics script (download down)

# aptitude install libqt4-ruby1.8

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